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04 August 2024The International Journal of Academy (IJA) operates a double-blind peer review process. Double-blind review is a method applied for publishing scientific publications with the highest quality. This method forms the basis of an objective evaluation of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals. Peer review helps editors make decisions in dialogue with authors. Authors gain important insights about their works and find the chance to develop their work by dint of criticism ensconced in the reviewers’ reports and comments. All manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Academy are evaluated using the following steps.
Initial Evaluation Process
The studies submitted to the International Journal of Academy are first evaluated by the editor. At this stage, studies that are not in line with the aim and scope of the journal, are weak in terms of language and narrative rules contain scientifically critical mistakes, are not originally worthy, and cannot meet publication policies are rejected. Eligible studies are sent to the two referees for evaluation.
Referee Appointments Process
Referee assignments are made to the articles according to the content of the articles and the areas of expertise of the referees. A reviewer invited to the journal for the evaluation of a manuscript should inform the editor about the acceptance in 14 days. The referees have to make a commitment that they will not share any process and document about the studies they evaluate with other person or institution.
Peer Review Timeline
Typically, the manuscript will be reviewed within 45 days. If the referees do not accept to evaluate of the study, a new referee is assigned to the relevant article. Corrections from referees or editors must be completed by the authors in line with the “Correction Report” within 1 month at the latest. Reviewers may approve the study or request more than one revision of a manuscript if necessary.
Referee Reports
Referee reports are based on several factors, including originality, adequacy of methodology, analysis and interpretation, compliance with ethical rules, consistent presentation of findings and results, and review of the literature. During the evaluation process, personal criticism of the authors should not be made and should act within the framework of the principle of impartiality. Evaluations should be made objectively and in a way that contributes to the development of studies.
Plagiarism Policy
Authors should only publish their original work and should properly indicate the work, source, and data they use. They should also indicate other publications that were influential in determining the quality of their work. There are basically two types of plagiarism in research:
- Taking someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as one’s own original work,
- Incorporating one’s previously published own passages or paragraphs without full acknowledgement (i.e., self-plagiarism) or resubmitting one’s previously published own work (i.e., duplicate publication).
Before the evaluation process starts, the author(s) should send the plagiarism report of the article scanned by plagiarism programs such as “iThenticate” or “Turnitin” to the International Journal of Academy. The International Journal of Academy limited the similarity rate in plagiarism control as below:
- The similarity rate should be below 20% for full text.
- The similarity rate for a single source should be below 3%.
Copy Editing Process
All publication rights of the articles accepted for publication at the end of the peer-review process belong to the International Journal of Academy. There is no royalty fee for published articles.
Filling in the "Copyright Transfer Agreement (Commitment) (you can download below)" indicating that the submitted article has not been published elsewhere or is not currently in the process of being evaluated for publication and that all publication rights of the articles sent for evaluation belong to the International Journal of Academy. The scanned and wet-signature version of the agreement must also be sent to the journal.
Open Access Policy
The International Journal of Academy provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. There is no need to subscribe to access articles. There are no restrictions on the online reading and downloading of articles published in the International Journal of Academy. Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges. Also, there is no open-access publication fee for authors.
The International Journal of Academy accepts the Budapest Open Access Declaration. According to the Budapest Open Access Declaration:
By “open access” to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.
You can download Copyright Transfer Agreement below: